Facts & Statistics
80% of the fastest growing occupations in United States depend upon a mastery of mathematics and scientific skills.We all want a bright future for our children, and we want Texas to be a place that makes that bright future possible. As the state’s economy and population grow, the future of Texas depends on the health, education and financial security of all our children—across gender, neighborhood, income, race and ethnicity. Despite Texas’ vast resources, the state is consistently ranked among the worst states for child well-being. We have to “raise the bar” in child well-being for all kids, because ranking 41st in child well-being simply isn’t good enough for Texas. But we cannot raise the bar for all kids if we don’t look specifically at how Texas’ children of color are faring. We can often trace racial and ethnic gaps in children’s health, education and financial security to historical policies that created barriers for families and current policies that can perpetuate them. We must “close the gaps” by intentionally breaking down any obstacles to certain groups of children reaching their full potential. We believe that raising the bar and closing the gaps in child well-being is the way forward for sustainable economic growth and prosperity. By creating abundant opportunities for Texas kids, the state will build on its strengths: its diversity, capacity for growth and enterprising spirit.
“State of Texas Children 2016 Race and Equity